Youth Dance classes are back

Our youth dance classes are back after a well deserved Christmas break with 4 weeks online. If you know a young person who loves to dance or wants to try something new in 2021 then look no further.

Dungannon Classes Every Wednesday starting 20th January 2021 || Suteminis Ages 7-11 years 4pm to 5pm || Sutemos Ages 12+ 7pm-8pm

Ballymoney Classes- Every Friday starting 22nd January 2021 || Alternatives Ages 7-11 4pm-5pm || Alternative Energies Ages 12-19 5.15pm-6.15pm

Belfast Class– Every Saturday starting 23rd January 2021 || Belfast Boys Ages 10-14 3pm-4pm (please note this is a boys-only class)

Get in touch to book your spot!