#CulturalBridge participants together in person
10th May 2022
Just before Easter, DU Dance (NI) and Beyond Skin were delighted to host young people from our partner organisation VILLA as they travelled from Leipzig, Germany, to join us in a cultural exchange project, #CulturalBridge. The ten young people had met previously on Zoom to form plans for an environmental campaign but this was the first time they had met in person. Just look at those smiles!

After a look around Belfast, the young people hit the north coast to get creative on beach walks and even a trip to Rathlin Island. Inspired by the beautiful landscape, they used music, dance and visual arts to explore climate action strategies and created artwork (see below) in response to many discussions on the environment crisis. They also made three short films for use in the campaign, which will be completed when the group next get together in Liepzig this July. More exciting collaborations to come!