5th Primary Dance Festival
17th May 2013
On Wednesday 22 May the Belvoir Studio Theatre hosted the 5th Primary Dance Festival organised by DU Dance to celebrate the exciting dance happening in schools today.
The festival this year included seven primary schools from across Belfast with performances from over 100 children aged 4 to 11 years.
This fun and lively festival enables children to take to the stage and share their dance work with other schools in a performing arts venue, in front of an audience of pupils and teachers. The event is not competitive but a showcase, incorporating all styles of dance and at all levels – each school has something different to perform.
DU Dance artistic director Mags Byrne explains the value of the project to the young dancers:
“This festival is designed to give children a chance to come together to perform and share their love of dance. It is also a chance for the children to see professional dance in a theatre space, to meet the dancers involved and be inspired, along with their teachers”.
Compere, Arthur Webb, was particularly impressed by the standard of performances this year which included the first rendition of “Bollywood” style dance.
DU Dance performed a new piece of work – The Winner at the festival.