Our Youth Engagement Groups ended their term and 2017 with a range of rewarding and exciting events and activities. Alternative Energies, in Ballymoney having performed for two nights at the Riverside Theatre, Coleraine in October decided on a disco and pizza, Belfast Boys had a fantastic afternoon at Tumble Circus Winter Show in the big top – the first time this new group had gone to a performance event together – whilst Sutemos & Suteminis put on a relaxed performance at the Dungannon Youth Resource Centre where the group’s families came together to celebrate their work.

So if you’re tempted to join come and find out!

See full information Our Classes

Our Youth Steering Group met again at the end of January 2018.

Our Youth Steering Group was set up in 2012 to help and advise the company.  It currently comprises of 12 young people aged 12 -18 and is run by our two Young Ambassadors. The meeting in January was conducted by Skype, connecting members in Ballymoney and Dungannon.  Lots of ideas and suggestions were made and these will be discussed at the next meeting of our Board of Directors. Thank you to Causeway Coast & Glens Borough Council and Dungannon Youth Resource Centre for facilitating venues for this meeting.