Summer Sessions
We’re gearing up for two summer weeks in Dungannon and Belfast.
Suteminis & Sutemos Summer Sessions will take place at the Events Space at the Hill of the O’Neill & Ranfurly Arts Centre in Dungannon from the 9th-13th August 2021. The summer week in partnership with Mid Ulster District Council will run for Primary School age 7-11 years from 10am-12pm and for Secondary school age 12-18 years from 1pm-3pm . The week will include learning different dance styles, creating your very own dances, a special circus workshop with Belfast Circus School and a sharing for parents at the end of the week. Click here to see this group in action: Video link
To book your space click here
Belfast Boys Summer Sessions will kick off from the 18th-22nd August 2021 in Belfast with Primary School Age from 7-11 years from 10am-12pm and Secondary school 12-16 years from 1pm-3pm.
Click here to see this group in action: Video link
To book your space: Belfast Boys 7-11 years or Belfast Boys 12-16 years
Both summer schemes are open to newcomers and no experience is necessary.
To find out more and how to book your space email us at

Our Youth Engagement Summer Sessions are now finished. Alternatives, Alternative Energies and Belfast Boys had an amazing time this summer on their week of youth dance. Alternatives finished up their week with a trip to the Jet Centre for some bowling, Alternative Energies had a splash doing aqua dancing and Belfast Boys went to out of space at the cinema with Luis and the Aliens.