Summer Sessions were a HUGE success
21st October 2021
Sharing some pictures from our Summer Sessions in August. These were really well attended with visits from Belfast Circus School to Sutemos and Suteminis and Belfast Boys were back at The Crescents Arts Centre – happy days!
Following an informal showing at The Hill of The O’Neil and Ranfurly House to friends and family, our dancers from Dungannon and Belfast were delighted to join in the fun at the Belfast Maritime Weekender in September with pop up performances at the buoys. It was great to perform live and our drunken sailors made quite an impact!
All our Youth Engagement Projects are up and running with a BRAND new junior group of Belfast Boys. It has been great to see so many new faces. Keep an eye on our Facebook and Instagram pages for highlights and live videos from the groups as they work towards our ‘Day of Dance’ in December. (More detail on this to follow.)