Picnics, books and dragons end the dancing term

The summer term ended with many fun opportunities for participants on our Youth Engagement Projects to perform and celebrate.

Sutemos and Suteminis invited their families to the Hill of The O’Neill and Ranfurly House in Dungannon for a very special Dance Picnic. As well as showcasing some of their favourite dance pieces, the young people enjoyed pizza and cake, games, art and even got their families up for a dance.


















Also in June, Belfast Boys popped up at the Belfast Book Festival. In the sunshine outside the Crescent Arts Centre, the boys gave visitors a warm welcome to the festival venue with energetic performances, street dance and carnival props.

Earlier that month the Belfast Boys performed in the Atrium of the Ulster Museum using the iconic willow dragons as inspiration for an explosive battle between Viking clans.  The senior group also devised wonderfully poignant, short solos in response to paintings they chose from the museum’s fine art collection and performed these in the gallery itself.

Summer Sessions for both projects were well-attended and busy with new and familiar faces joining for the week.  As well as trying different dance styles, creating their own dances, having a go at circus skills with our friends at Circusful, the young people took part in a sharing for families at the end.   And, in a blink, we are back at it as the autumn terms starts this week.