Heroes on the Hill – Dungannon, Intercultural project
25th November 2014
DU Dance, working collaboratively with STEP (South Tyrone Empowerment Project), brought a unique intercultural programme of work to Dungannon culminating in a fantastic performance in the Market Square on Saturday 11th & Sunday 12th April .
Inspired from the legends, myths and heroes from around the world Heroes on the Hill celebrated our diverse and separate histories. 60 young people took to the stage in and through music, dance and storytelling captured our imaginations engaging and celebrating as they reclaimed our hill of many heroes.
Heroes on the Hill, Dungannon. The sun warmed my bones and the performance warmed my heart, your project was a shining example of what the Intercultural Arts Programme was established for!
Joan Dempster, ACNI Arts Development Officer, Community Arts
Went to see Heroes on the Hill show on Sunday in Market Square Dungannon. Amazing show ……. Well done to the organisers & all of the young people involved, an absolute credit to you all. Hope to see this type of show again in Dungannon. Brought together young people from all different traditions, races & backgrounds. This is how to do it no doubt!
Cllr Linda Dillon, Chair Mid Ulster Council
Principal Funder: Arts Council of Northern Ireland with support from Dungannon Arts Forum, Mid Ulster Council Good Relations Programme & Dungannon Youth Resource Centre.