NEW Belfast Boys group for younger boys

We are delighted to launch a new Belfast Boys group for younger boys aged 7 – 11 years, in addition to our current group aged 12 – 16 years.   Building on the success and popularity of our programme, no experience is necessary and everyone is welcome! It has been great to meet lots of new faces.

  • 10 sessions from 18th Sept – 4th Dec 2021 (incl. 2 week Halloween break)
  • 2pm – 3pm on Saturdays
  • ONLY £5 membership fee; £1 subs per session
  • The group is led by dance artist Sean O’Neill
  • Meet at Crescent Arts Centre, 2-4 University Road, Belfast BT7 1NH

Please spread the word!

If you would like to find out more about Belfast Boys and how to join, please call us or email