Amazing Night at Unanimous 2017

Big thanks to everyone who joined us for Unanimous 2017 at the Lyric Theatre, Belfast, including; Alternative Energies (Ballymoney), Brona Jackson Dance Company (Derry/L’derry), Company B (Dublin), Connect Youth Dance (Fermanagh), Dublin Youth Dance Company, Inchicore College (Dublin), Moongate Dance Theatre (Galway), Sutemos Youth Dance (Dungannon) & Wicklow Youth Dance Company.  Thanks also to our MC Conor “Doke’ O’Kane and our photographer Joe Fox.  It was a brilliant night and the standard of work was fantastic.

Well done to Company B for their subsequent performance at the U.Dance festival in Birmingham.

DATE FOR YOUR DIARY …….Unanimous 2018 will be on Sunday 8th April, again at the Lyric Theatre, Belfast. We hope to see you all again there!